
The Project
Develop a social media and email campaign for #GivingTuesdayNow on May 5, 2020, a global day of giving and unity organized as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19.

The Strategy
Get people engaging with our content by asking for responses to the question: “What does music mean to you?” Throughout the week leading up to #GivingTuesdayNow, we shared our followers’ responses, getting audiences to think about the role music plays in their lives. It all led up to the big day, where we asked for donations alongside a special video of the Boston Pops performing a tribute to frontline workers.

The Result
We broke the record for the highest number of online gifts made to BSO, Inc. in a single day outside of the popular year-end giving season.

  • $16,000 donated

  • 104 donations

Click or tap each asset below to see more.

Social Media Strategy and Copy

Email and Donation Form Copy

Graphic Design: Katie Arsenault
Summon the Heroes Social Media Strategy: Leah Reber


BSO, Inc. Website Redesign


Spring Pops 2022